The Best Free Audio Recording Software | With Download And Tricks

best free recording software for rappersrecording softwareBest Free Recording Software For Rappers
how to record at home

I am going to be 100% honest with you about audio recording software okay?

audacityimportant recording software

Listen to me VERY closely so you understand. 

I don’t want you to have the same false thought process I had about audio recording software when I was still new and learning how everything in music production works.

For YEARS, back when I was still an amateur music artist, I used to think that just having Pro Tools would make my music 100 times better just because…. well it’s the audio recording software that the big dogs use, right?

I thought Pro Tools would make every song I made sound better, somehow make me better as an artist and make me more professional as an artist in general.

fruity loops

garage bandThe mind blowing truth

Well it may not be MIND BLOWING but it sure would have helped me to know this information about audio recording software a few years back.

A professional mix engineer can make your music sound the same way as it does in Pro Tools Or Logic in the cheapest software on the planet.

It all comes down to knowing how to actually engineer music skillfully in the audio recording software.


When I was 15 years old I started recording myself with Cool Edit Pro and then around 17 I got Adobe Audition 1.5 and I actually recorded and made my famous Hibernation’s Over Mixtape with that software.


That is the mixtape that blew me up and got 50,000+ Datpiff downloads, 8 Million Views On It’s YouTube Videos and gained me my base amount of fans….


What I am saying is, you can blow up with out Pro Tools too.


Don’t get stuck in the mind state I was in where I was fiending to get my hands on a better software (thinking it would make me better) but I couldn’t afford it.


logic downloadthe hook up

I’m trying to help you AS MUCH AS I CAN so I am going to do you one better than any other site.

I am going to link you to Adobe Audition 1.5. The same software I used on my first mixtape that blew me up

My apologies to Mac users but this is the original file I have had since I was 17 and it is for PC ONLY but here you go my friend.

You will need an Unzipper to open the file once you download it from the link below.


recording softwareFree Download



When I was 17 years old I was able to crack this software. You can’t even buy the software anymore lol

You should be able to crack it somehow if you try hard enough and really can’t afford to buy a software.

I am only mentioning this because people are saying they can’t seem to get it to work. They probably aren’t trying hard enough.

I looked around and tried to find you serial numbers for the audio recording software that might help.

The rest is up to you.

audio softwareSerial Numbers


S/N: 1137-1060-4453-9340-5044-0013

S/N: 1137-1507-6363-7910-2233-8074

S/N: 1137-1875-5478-7165-2396-1846




You will get the hang of Adobe Audition FAST!

pro toolsOr you can do this

If you don’t even have a microphone to really record your music yet, you can get get this $55 microphone I recommend to all new rappers. The great bonus about getting this microphone is you also get the recording software Cake Walk Sonar LE which works just as good as Adobe Audition. 

This is also the microphone I originally used for the first few years I was rapping in order to practice and get better.

It is a USB microphone so you just plug it in and you are recording instantly.

NOTE: If you are in Adobe Audition and want it to record, plug it in and set the microphone input to LEFT channel. For some reason that makes it work best. You’ll see what I’m talking about when the time comes. Just remember “LEFT”.

Click Here To Check Out That Microphone

This is a USB microphone, you just plug it in, it automatically installs the drivers, then you turn on the software and BOOM BAM BOOGY you are recording lol


Or if you want a list of all of the best microphones you can go here:


pro toolsI recently used audition

I just used the Adobe Audition 1.5 software last month.


I have written over 5,000 songs.


Last month I went back to my music from 2007-2008 and I found a bunch of great song ideas I wanted to remake and put on future mixtapes I know fans will love. So I went into the songs Adobe Audition 1.5 sessions and started transferring the files over to Pro Tools  (Which I Now Use)


The reason I am telling you this is because you can start there, and when you Level Up, you just transfer the files over!



pro toolswrapping up

Yes, I do prefer Pro Tools, it has a TON of better features and plug in capabilities.

When I decided to move to Pro Tools from Audition I was SUPER intimidated.

It looks nuts compared to the simplicity of Audition.

Pro Tools was a lot to learn but I got the hang of it fast because the truth is that it isn’t CRAZY different from any other recording software.

Here are what they both look like during use.


Adobe Audition Audio Recording Software
Adobe Audition for rappers

Pro Tools Audio Recording SoftwarePro Tools for rappers


If you can afford to get Pro Tools now, go for it!

If not, just start with the link I gave you above for Adobe Audition.

Or if you can get your hands on a different software, do it! Get started!
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