What To Wear To A Rap Concert | 5 Tips To Not Show Up Looking Stupid

What To Wear To A Rap Concert

I’m surprised this many people keep asking me what to wear to a rap concert. But since it’s being requested so much I might as well do a quick write up on it.

The ideas in this article will work for when you are going to a rap concert and further down info on when you are actually performing as well.

I’m not going to tell you exactly what to wear to a rap concert but I am going to give you ideas and perspectives of what you should consider when actually deciding what to wear.

Why can’t I tell you exactly what to wear? Well I don’t know your exactly style. Some things that fit me won’t fit you or may not be your style. But we will get into all of that!

what to wear to a rap concert

What To Wear To A Rap Concert

whats in style

What Is In Style Right Now?

You can approach any what to wear article with the question of ‘What is in style?’. If it is in style, you’re going to stand out in the crowd and look good.

You can stay up to date on that stuff by checking out sites like Hype Beast or any of the others that show you what’s hot in urban fashion today.

Later I will show you the best sites you can use to find what to wear to a rap concert.

what to wear to a rap concert hypebeast

I moved to Hollywood California from South Side Chicago and I live right off of Fair Fax which has all of the top urban clothing stores such as:

Supreme, The Hundreds, Diamond Supply, Dope, Hall Of Fame Etc.


I never really cared too much about fashion before I moved here because I was focused on building my rap skill set that got me where I am today.

As you can see in this video I used to be so broke and unfashionable. I was wearing a $6 old navy red t shirt and a $8 red hat in a video that got me 5 million views.

But now seeing 100’s of people pouring out the door of these places on a weekly basis I can see how strong fashions hold is on hip hop culture.


are you a fan of the rapper

How Big Of A Fan Are You?

If you are a huge fan of the artist you would know if they are endorsed by a clothing brand or if they have their own clothing line.

You can support the artist by wearing the clothing that supports the artist you are a fan of.

That or you can wear clothes from the artist’s clothing line. Even Eminem had his own clothing line.

clothing lines


rap concert clothing

Get The T Shirt When You Get There!

Here is another great option of what to wear to a rap concert if you’re a fan.

If they don’t have their own clothing line or brand that sponsors them you can always plan on buying a T shirt from the merchandise table.

When artists tour, often times (depending on the size of the artist) they make more money from the merch table than from the show tickets.

You can buy a T shirt from the merch table and then put that on during the show.

You will fit right in wearing a T shirt from the artist already performing. Plus it shows how big of a fan you actually are.

rap merch table


What kind of artist is it

What Kind Of Music Artist Is It Really?

If the artist is underground hip hop than you would probably wear something a bit different than you would if you went to a main stream R and B / Rap artist.

Take that into consideration when deciding what to wear to a rap concert.


be yourself

Best Option… Be Yourself

Be-YourselfI know a lot of people looking for what to wear to a rap concert are looking for tips of what will make them look the most fashionable and stand out because that is what hip hop itself has ingrained in society.

You always have the option of not overthinking it or worrying what anyone else thinks and just wearing whatever makes you the most comfortable at a rap concert.

The more comfortable you are in your own clothes, the more comfortable you will be in your own skin. The more comfortable you are overall, the more fun you will have when you are out in public.

You don’t have to conform to social standards or try to ‘fit in’ with anybody. Being yourself will probably make you stand out the most and get the most attention and meet the most friends at a rap concert.

When you go to a rap concert you are surrounded by other people who also spent money to buy a rap concert ticket and that means they are fans of the artist on stage. You already have that in common!

The best time to be 100% you and be who you want your friends to see you as, is when you are at a place like this. So just be you! It’s the best thing you can do.



What To Wear To A Rap Concert

If you yourself are a rap artist this is the section you can use to expand your knowledge on what to wear.

I have written numerous articles on style building and options in the Brand And Image section of this site.

I also have articles that show the proof that you brand and image will grow once you start getting some money into your pocket.

I use MGK and Wiz Khalifa as perfect examples.

I usually write up little posts on things I have bought and worn so you can see how they look on someone and judge if it would look good on you.

Here is a great example of that: What To Wear

Shirt And Pants Options

I have bought a lot of T shirts, hats and other clothing from KarmaLoop I definitely recommend it.

Here is an article on the 7 different types of pants that exist so you can inform yourself on the differences of all of them.

From straight leg to skinny jeans, they are fit differently.


Bracelets And Wrist Accessories

I get all of my bracelets from Amazon for DIRT cheap. You can see a bunch that I own and how they look below. I get all of mine for less than a few bucks.

Top 10 Cool Things From Amazon For Rappers This Month | December 2016

Additionally, here is an article I wrote that shows the difference in wearing or not wearing watches and bracelets and how they increase how fashionable you look.


Chains To Wear

This article is based completely around chains, where to get them and how to determine the length of the chain online.

I get a majority of my chains from Hip Hip Bling


Shoes To Wear To A Rap Concert

Make sure they match your outfit and that they are clean. It’s really that simple. I don’t know your exact style so I can’t specifically recommend what kind of shoes to wear.

A flat white or a flat black shoe will match with almost any outfit.


wrapping up

I hope this helped you decide what to wear to a rap concert.

I recommend you just wear whatever is going to make you feel the most comfortable so you can enjoy the concert and have fun.

After all, that is why you are going to a rap concert. You shouldn’t really be worrying about what to wear to a rap concert but since you are, I was happy to help! 🙂


Rob Level

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