Maybe He’s A Weirdo – But You Can Learn A Lot From It


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FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo

FanGoingHam – Maybe I’m A Weirdo Music Video

FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo
FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo
What you can learn from it

What You Can Learn From This Song And Music Video From FanGoingHam

FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo
What do we learn from the chrous
fan going ham

The chorus is just the same words repeated over and over in different ways. You don’t have to have a bunch of different lyrics for the chorus that make it as long as an Adele chorus or Drake Chorus.

It can just be the same words over and over if it is entertaining enough to keep the listeners attention.


Since the lyrics repeat over and over the listener already knows the words by the time the 2nd chorus comes around.

Now the melody is stuck with them and by the time they turn the song off they know the entire chorus by heard. Usually that takes 3-4 listens.

FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo
Learn from Song Title

The benefit of the song title is that most people feel like they are weird even when they are not. I know for sure I’m a weirdo but I feel like it’s one of my unique qualities that helps me stand out from other people. He clearly lets you know he feels the same way that you probably do too.

FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo
What do we learn from the Artist Image
Fan Going Ham 2

You can also learn from his image. From the second you see him you intrigued and next time you see him you will definitely remember him because of that.

It’s a bit outlandish but that’s how you gain attention and keep it.

It has a Danny Brown, Trinidad James, Chief Keef vibe that really stands out.

It also has a slight bit of Migos in it.  I’m no fashion guru (yet lol) but the necklace stands out to me as unique. The rings also add a bit of flavor. Both are things not everyone can pull off.

I guarantee as his finances increase his image will 10 fold and he will have a very very cool look.

It’s better to start now than later on your image so you already know what you are heading for.

FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo
What do we learn from the Artist name

His name is also very unique, unlike any other name. It seems his branding is very on point. He clearly studies branding a bit.

His name also matches with the song title as if the title represents his brand image aside from just his personality. It all adds up!

FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo
What do we learn from the flows

Singing melodies keep the song catchy all through out.

It also shows how the distortion of auto tune can be cool at certain points even when it jumps out of tune. 😀 That can be difficult to pull off.

FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo
What we can learn from the music video

Maybe I’m A Weirdo Music Video Breakdown

The person who shot the video didn’t have the ISO Up high enough or the aperture open enough to capture more light in the night shots.

So the video looks very dark and it’s hard to correct that in post editing.

Never the less, this is the perfect example of a music video that was super low budget that still gives you a visual that makes you like the song more.

Like I’ve told you in the posts about shooting visuals, any type of visual is better than no visual.

An increase in quality of camera equipment here such as a camera with a better low light sensor would have made him look slightly more professional as an artist but it wouldn’t have added to how good the song is.

The song still remains solid but you also get a feel that he is an up and comer which also has it’s benefits. 😀

Hope you learned something from this!

– SR

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FanGoingHam - Maybe I'm A Weirdo

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