This Is What Will Make You A TRUE Smart Rapper!

This Is What Will Make You A TRUE Smart Rapper!

What up, Smart Rapper Gang? I think I’m going to continue on the same lines as the last video. We talked about making sure your body is in the right place, and you know, tips on how to go about that. You know what, more so I give a lot of mindset tips on here and everything like that. So today, we’re going to talk about some things that I think are gonna really change your life if you actually take this advice and information on what I’m going to talk about. So we’re going to talk about that. I’m Rob Level, this is, and you’re actually really truly honestly as usual going to get smarter.

Today, I want to talk about something that I don’t talk about often just like I don’t talk about, you know, the fitness stuff because I feel like people would be like, “Ah that’s too much work.” Anything that’s work – anything that’s going to make you better is going to be work. You write raps every day, it’s work even though it is a little bit fun. But you’re getting better deliberately practicing and really evolving to that next level. That’s work. It’s hard to really sit down and do the things that are more complicated because you’re not used to doing them. Even when you’re writing, you’re doing it for types of patterns. All the little things that are going to make you better as a person seem like they’re hard at first because you’re actually building neural pathways in your brain. You’re forcing your brain to make new connections to other parts of your brain. And that’s actually you becoming smarter. That’s why it’s hard at first, then it becomes easy. Eventually moves into the subconscious and it’s done automatically on autopilot, similar to when you ride a bike or when you drive a car. A great example would be when I first started driving a car.

But then when you get used to driving a car, your brain’s wired to drive a car, and you can use your peripherals on a normal basis.

Now I can drive a car and do this at the same time while drinking coffee and still scanning the road to stay conscious. So the thing here though I want to talk about is…really though, as much as it’s going to suck or seem like it sucks to talk about, is books.

Books have changed my life and it really is one of the reasons I feel like I can call myself a Smart Rapper. I shot a video a minute ago, then I started listening to an audiobook and I’m like man these books have so much damn information. I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of books and actually I’ve listened to hundreds of books. I probably only read like 20 books. OK but I use audible, and I get books at one credit a month, and you get one book. I actually listen to two books a week, so I’m always learning and growing in order to give information and inspire people with it. Well, there are some books that I want to recommend to you today that were some of the starter books that were very basic, very common, very well-known books but books that actually will help you change your mindset.

This Is What Will Make You A TRUE Smart Rapper!

Increase the value of your life, make you work harder, and understand why you want to work harder. It’s like these books give you the knowledge where you’re like, “Oh my god, yeah, I should be working harder or smarter,” so that when you’re working you’re getting more done. It’s like these little things. So I’m just going to off the top of my head discuss a couple of books that I really feel like you need to read that I’ve read more than once. These are going to be in any type of order because they’re just books off the top of my head where I’m like, “I love these books. So here’s something you may have heard of these before. Let’s start off with Napoleon Hill stuff. We have the Master Key to Riches. That’s cool, but you don’t have to read that one.

What I recommend you read is actually Think and Grow Rich. Think and Grow Rich is a fantastic, amazing book. What it’s going to do is it’s going to have you go in there (little brief break down still go read it) and write down your definite, chief aim in life and your goals. Every single day it’s going to remind you that this is what you’re reaching for and striving to do. Because you remind yourself every day, you’re going to work harder for it and you’re actually going to see it for yourself. You’re going to keep continuing it forward. So that’s just one. Check out that whole book. I’m telling you, everybody I recommend that to was like, “Thank you so much.”

Number two: and this is such a simple book with such a simple idea. It’s called the Slight Edge by Jeff Olson and I think another guy was a co-writer on it. That book just teaches you how doing the slightest amount, even if it’s just reading an extra one page of a book a day, puts you that one page ahead of your competition or ahead of anybody else. That little tiny bit that you do gives you the slight edge over everybody else. You writing that extra 16-bar verse. You writing those extra four bars below when I ask you to write them. Those little things, as minuscule and small and useless as these seem, are because when you look at it over the span of six months think about those four bars over six months. Four bars. 182 and a half days. That’s a lot of bars, right? Times four. And that’s just from writing four bars a day. The thing is that it adds up over time. So you can check that book out.

The next book I want to recommend to you is The 48 Laws of Power. But this is a book that I feel like you shouldn’t really read this unless you’re like… it is heavy. It is a heavy book. That book blew my mind. It shut me down. It was crazy. That book is insane. 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and another book Robert Greene is Mastery. I super highly recommend Mastery. What Mastery does is it shows you Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein – people in history have mastered their craft. And it shows you how they became masters of their craft through practice and also learning something over here that’s been applied over here. Then it built new neural pathways in the brain that couldn’t have existed if they didn’t learn this over here. Even like the moment when Einstein realized the theory of relativity was because he understood something about this and something about this and it combined. That’s where great ideas come from just out of random places because you have built-up pieces and stores of knowledge in random places. So that’s a fantastic book as well.

If you want to talk about financial books so you can understand a little bit about finances and how to save money and spend it the right way, you can get a book like Rich Dad Poor Dad, which you’ve probably heard of. Rich Dad Poor Dad is a fantastic book that just teaches you the basics about money, how it works, and when you should spend money on this, and when you shouldn’t spend money on that. It’s just a fantastic, amazing book. There’s so much knowledge and information in books that’s going to change your life for the better. Forever. Like really though you need to be reading books.

This Is What Will Make You A TRUE Smart Rapper!

I used to think books were stupid. Like, “Why would I want to read a book?” but now I listen to books because while I’m driving, I can listen to books. “I don’t have to read books.” That’s not an excuse, and if you go to that link that I’m gonna give you guys, you are going to see me shutting down all excuses. “Well I don’t have time…” but if you’re driving anywhere (driving to work from work to school from school) you can listen to audiobooks. Audiobooks are only three hours long. So that means that if you’re probably driving by three hours a week, you can finish a whole audiobook just while you’re in your car. You go to the gym? You go to the gym 45 minutes to an hour?

You listen to an audiobook while you’re in the gym, and you’re in the gym five days a week. That’s five hours. That, plus the driving. How do you think I finish two books a week? You think I’m in the house? I’m working when I’m in the house. But I could finish books when I’m in the car. Sometimes I listen to music. Sometimes I listen to audiobooks but I really try to lean in on listening to audiobooks as much as possible because it helps me learn. You just became a smarter rapper.

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